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Information is available to members via the orchestra mailing list with information on rehearsals, subscriptions, music, concerts, publicity, tickets, section leaders etc.

Term 1, 2025

Rehearsals commence on February 4 at 7:30 at St Andrews on the Terrace. Please arrive early to help set up and be ready to tune at 7:25.

Feb 47.30pm Berlioz 4th then 1st movement
8.45pm Rachmaninov
Feb 117.30pm Nicolai, Berlioz
8.45pm Berlioz 2, 3 & 1 
Low brass & percussion not needed
Feb 187.30pm Rachmaninov
8.45pm Berlioz 1 & 4
Tutti (percussion optional)
Feb 25SectionalsPercussion not needed
Mar 4 7.30pm Nicolai
8.45pm Berlioz 1 & 4
Mar 117.30pm Berlioz 2 & 3
8.45pm Nicolai, Rachmaninov
Strings, woodwind and horns only
Mar 187.30pm Berlioz 1 & 4
8.45pm Berlioz 2 & 3
Apr 1Rachmaninov
Berlioz (maybe)
Apr 4
(dress rehearsal)
Apr 5
3pm concert

Notes for players about rehearsals

  • Rehearsals are on Tuesday nights, 7:30 to 9:45 pm.
  • The venue needs to be set up before rehearsal. A member of the committee will arrive at 7.00pm to open up. We appreciate players turning up early to help set up the seating.
  • Please be ready to tune at 7.25pm, so that rehearsal can start at 7.30pm.
  • When the Leader stands to tune please be quiet. This signals that they are ready for the orchestra to tune up. Wait for the oboe to give an A. The Leader will tune the orchestra in the order of brass, woodwind, strings. Sections not being tuned should be silent.
  • Please only tune quietly so that others can hear their own note. String players, initially tune your A only. When the Leader sits down you may then (and not before) tune your other strings quietly.
  • Please keep any relevant conversation to a minimum and then only speak softly; and refrain from talking especially while the conductor is addressing the orchestra or any section.
  • There is a break in the middle of the rehearsal for coffee, tea and chat. Please do listen for when you need to be back in place to re-start.
  • At the end of rehearsal please help to put the chairs and other furniture back where they were before rehearsal for the next users of the church or hall. This must always be done.
  • If you are unable to attend rehearsal please contact your section leader to record your apology.